EBICS Education and Diversity Program Manager Caley Allen, PhD Program Description BEEAM (Broadening Engagement through Engineering At MIT) is a yearround high school science education and research program, designed for rising juniors and seniors, developed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in conjunction with the NSF Science and Technology Center on Emergent Behaviors of Integrated…
Category: News
MIT PDA President Message to all Postdocs for the Year 2019
Greetings to all MIT Postdocs! On behalf of the MIT PDA, I would like to wish you a Happy New Year 2019. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank you for your participation in PDA’s events over the past year, and invite you to work with us to maximize your training experience…
Congratulations to our newly elected Orientation Chair!
Our new Orientation Committee Chair, Aaron Persad (MechE Dept.), was elected in the Monthly Meeting on Tuesday. Congratulations, Aaron! To view the profiles of our Officers, please visit: https://pda-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/about/officers/ Just a reminder: the position for Advocacy Committee Chair is still open! Please email pda-president@mit.edu for details! …
Postdocs are getting pay raise!
Good news before your holidays: MIT has recently increased the minimum salary and stipend rates for postdocs, which will be effective on December 1, 2018. (Hooray!) For details, please see below: Vice President for Research Statement on Salary and Benefits …
Elections to PDA Leadership Positions
Dear Postdocs looking for leadership positions on campus, Elections will be held for the Chair of the Advocacy Committee and the Chair of the Orientation Committee on December 11, 2018, 12:00pm Rm 5-314 (PDA Monthly Meeting). I) Role of the Advocacy Committee Chair a) Communicate concerns to the faculty & administration on behalf of the postdocs b) Identify…
Congratulations to our newly elected PDA Officers!
Congratulations to our new PDA Officers: Chi David Cheng (Alumni Committee), Wei Sun Leong (Human Affairs Committee), and Mica Smith (Fundraising Committee)! Their profiles will be uploaded soon!…
PDA Advocacy Committee is recruiting!
The Advocacy Committee is recruiting new members to work on the following projects: Wholesalers Membership Extension of some form of MIT E-MAIL after your POSTDOC status at MIT Ends Click here for more details. Please contact our Advocacy Committee Chair Mohamed Ghoneim at pda-advocacy@mit.edu. We are looking forward to hearing from you!…
Congrats to the new MIT-PDA Committee 2018/2019!
[su_quote cite=”Henry Ford”]Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.[/su_quote]…
MIT PDA 2018 -2019 General Elections
Dear MIT Postdocs, Next Wednesday August 1st you will be electing the next group of officers for the MIT PDA that will represent you for the 2018-2019 academic year. We have a lot of great candidates running. See candidate statements here. Election details Elections will take place Wednesday August 1st from 12:00-2:00 pm in 68-181….