Careers in Data Science: Transitioning from Academia to the Technology Industry
Speaker: Jake Klamka, Founder, Insight Data Science Fellows Program
Date: 11-27-2012
Time: 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Location: Star (32-D463)
The MIT Postdoctoral Association invites you to a question & answer seminar
with Jake Klamka, the founder of the Insight Data Science Fellow Program.
Insight is an intensive six week postdoctoral training fellowship bridging the
gap between academia and a career in data science and data analytics.
Silicon Valley technology companies like LinkedIn, Facebook, Google, Twitter,
and various startups are hiring PhDs from fields such as physics, engineering,
computer science, math, neuroscience, operations research and other
quantitative fields to help them glean insights from the terabytes of data
that they collect everyday. While the amount of data these companies are
producing and storing is growing exponentially, there is a severe shortage of
top talent to analyze this data and extract valuable insights from it.
Mr. Klamka will provide an introduction to data science, share stories of
scientists who have transitioned from academia to becoming a data scientist,
including the 18 Insight Fellows who completed the program in 2012, and will
share his personal journey from physics research to founding the Insight Data
Science Fellows Program. This will be followed by a Q&A session.
Relevant URL(S):
For more information please contact: Colas Schretter, MIT Postdoctoral Association (